
Information System...

The data we collect is only data until we invite people to access and use the data.

BRUTIS can very easily connect to a database, such as Oracle or SQL-Server. It almost automatically installs the normalized data model and populates it with the data. Preferably a database with Spatail functions and geometry data types. So that the data in this database can be used not only by BRUTIS but also by other programs, such as QGIS, ArcInfo, FME etc. for anyone who can also connect to the database.

By making the database accessible via the internet. The internet offers the possibility to share data and to work on data together.
Because BRUTIS is a application on your MS-Windows device, this component isn't necessary to function. BRUTIS can also work with a local database or even store data in an work-file.
When BRUTIS connects to an internet- or local-database it creates a working file and displays all data from the database through the working file. In this way, the user is always assured of data availability. Even without internet.

Open revision of data:
BRUTIS has a revision method for mutating and supplementing data and inspections. This revision is saved in a revision file. Anyone can create this file with changes and inspections and offer it to the database administrator. The program also has the option to process changes via a work-file or SHP-, KML-, DXF-, CSV- or GeoJSON-dataformats, and offer them to the information system.


The underlying idea of BRUTIS is developing a user-friendly and functional...



The rational decision making process in management...


Urban Tech


Enables Sanitation, Asset-Management and E-government...


Information System


The data we collect is only data until we involve people...
